The same keyboard shortcut can be used to hide the visible grid. Plane switching widget B. Left Vanishing Point C. Vertical Grid Extent D. Perspective Grid Ruler E. Right Vanishing Point F. Horizon Line G. Horizon Height H. Ground Level I. Horizon Level J. Extent of Grid K. Grid Cell Size L. Ground Level M. Extent of Grid N. Right Grid Plane Control O. Horizontal Grid Plane Control P. Left Grid Plane Control Q. When the Perspective Grid tool is selected, it shows:.
Horizon height. Left and right ground level widgets used for grid movement. You can use this widget to select the active grid plane.
Left Grid Plane B. No Active Grid Plane C. Right Grid Plane D. Horizontal Grid Plane. You can set options to position the widget on any of the four screen corners and choose to display it adobe illustrator cc perspective grid tutorial free download the Perspective Grid is visible. To set these options, double-click the Perspective Grid icon in the Tools panel. In the Perspective Grid Options dialog box, you can select the following:. Show Active Plane Widget. This option is selected by default.
If adobe illustrator cc perspective grid tutorial free download deselect this check box, then the widget is not displayed with the Perspective Grid. Widget Position. You can choose to display the widget on the upper left, upper-right, lower-left, or lower-right corner of the document window. When you select the Perspective Selection tool, the left, right, and horizontal grid controls are displayed. The Perspective Selection tool enables you to:.
With the Perspective Selection tool, the active planes in the perspective grid are indicated by the following pointers. The Perspective Selection tool snaps the objects to the grid of the active plane while moving, scaling, duplicating, and bringing objects into perspective.
Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Adobe Illustrator Features What's New. Buy now. Define perspective grids Search. To view the default two-point perspective grid in a document, you can do any of the following:. Click the Perspective Grid tool from the Tools panel. Left and right grid controls to adjust planes Horizon height Left and right vertical plane position Visibility and extent of a grid cell Grid cell size Origin Left and right ground level widgets used for grid movement.
Bring objects, texts, and symbols in perspective Switch active planes using keyboard shortcuts Move, scale, and duplicate objects in adobe illustrator cc perspective grid tutorial free download space Move and duplicate objects perpendicular to its current position in the perspective plane.
Active Plane. Left Grid Plane. Right Grid Plane. This option is enabled by default. More like this Perspective drawing. Sign in to your account. Sign in. Quick links View all your apps Manage your plans.
The perspective tool, much like anything in Adobe Illustrator, can seem a little complicated and daunting at first. Fortunately, once you understand the basics it's pretty easy to get to grips with and you'll end up wondering why you've never used it before.
Through the next five steps I'll run through the basics of setting up a perspective grid, and demonstrate how you can draw directly onto the grid or apply existing vectors to it. I'll also demonstrate a couple of basic applications for its use, which can be applied to a variety of different projects.
For help on perspective in general, see our how to draw perspective guide. First up, simply click on the perspective tool icon in the toolbar to bring up the standard two-point perspective grid. There are three grid presets: 1-point, 2-point and 3-point perspective. You can only have one grid active per Ai document so bear this in mind before you begin applying anything to the grid. You can adjust the grid easily by hovering over the widgets on it. A move icon will appear, indicating which direction you can adjust the grid.
Drawing directly onto the grid in perspective is easy. Simply select one adobe illustrator cc perspective grid tutorial free download the shape tools — in this case the rectangle tool — and begin drawing directly onto the grid. To switch the perspective plane you wish to draw on, just click the relevant plane on the cube icon in the top left. To adjust the shapes you've drawn on the grid, whilst maintaining their correct perspective, then make sure you use the perspective selection tool and not the normal selection tools.
Drawing directly onto the perspective grid can be a little clumsy if you're creating anything other than simple flat planes. For more detailed graphics its best to draw them flat, off-grid, and then apply them to the perspective grid later. To do this simply select the plane you wish to apply the graphic to and then use the perspective selection tool to drag it onto your perspective grid.
You can adobe illustrator cc perspective grid tutorial free download the size and position in the same way you would any other object, whilst maintaing the correct perspective. You don't have to rely entirely on the perspective grid to achieve some quick perspective effects.
To create a tunnel effect then simply drag the perspective graphic from the previous step using the direct selection tool, then hit R for rotate and select a central position. The perspective tool is also good for mocking up what a sign or graphic might look like on a wall.
Then move it under the grid, adjust the grid to the same perspective as the wall and drag your graphics onto the grid to see how they'll look in the real world. You can of course then paste adobe illustrator cc perspective grid tutorial free download graphic into Photoshop to give it a more natural look whilst maintaining the same perspective. Luke O'Neill. Topics Adobe.