Microsoft outlook 2013 not loading profile free download.Outlook 2013 hangs forever "Loading Profile"

Microsoft outlook 2013 not loading profile free download.6 Easy Steps to Fix Error: “Outlook Stuck on Loading Profile”

Jul 26,  · Outlook not downloading emails may be down to a corrupt Outlook profile. If this is the case, you can resolve the issue by creating a new profile. Go . - Microsoft outlook 2013 not loading profile free download

After starting Microsoft Outlook , the program hangs or stops when the Loading Profile dialog appears, as shown in the following figure:. There is a conflict between the hardware graphics acceleration feature and this combination of video hardware when the video drivers are not at the latest version.

This issue has also been reported to occur on Office installations that do not have SP1 installed. There are two resolutions to this problem. One is a temporary workaround and the other is the recommended long-term solution. To get Outlook started without stopping at the Loading Profile dialog, add the DisableHardwareAcceleration registry subkey using the following steps. For more information, see Display issues in Office client applications. This solution is considered a temporary solution because we recommend you take advantage of hardware graphics acceleration in Office programs.

At your earliest convenience, follow the steps in the Recommended long-term solution section and re-enable hardware graphics acceleration in Office programs. The setting shown in step 6 is an Office-wide setting even though you are disabling it from the Outlook options dialog box.

The recommended solution to fix this problem is to update your video drivers to the latest version. Once you have updated your video drivers, you should be able to re-enable hardware graphics acceleration for Office.

Video card manufacturers frequently release updates to their drivers to improve performance or to fix compatibility issues with new programs. If you do not find an updated video driver for your computer through Windows Update and you must have the latest driver for your video card, go to the support or download section of your video card manufacturer's website for information about how to download and install the newest driver.

Once you have updated your video card drivers, revisit the steps in the Temporary workaround section. Unsolicited bulk mail or bulk advertising. Any link to or advocacy of virus, spyware, malware, or phishing sites.

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The very same problem was present in an Office update in June Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Outlook Outlook. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit.

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    Jul 26,  · Outlook not downloading emails may be down to a corrupt Outlook profile. If this is the case, you can resolve the issue by creating a new profile. Go .

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    Jun 12,  · Office on Win 7 64 bit Just reinstalled a copy of Windows 7 on a newly formatted hard drive and cannot get past the "Loading Profile" splash window in Outlook. Here's what I've tried: I can start it just fine in Safe Mode and have disabled all COM Add-ins. Rebooted many times I did chkdsk c · Hi, You can try to rebuild the Index by going to. Nov 01,  · Microsoft offered an inbuilt inbox repair utility called with Outlook versions older than to fix minor issues with OST files, however, Outlook and beyond lack this utility. Even if it was present, this utility doesn’t work with serious corruption issues in OST files and more often than not, it fails to repair Outlook OST.

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